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Budget FAQs

General Fund
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Q:  What is the "General Fund"?
A:  "General Fund" is the district's daily regular operation fund.  The General Fund consists of 3 parts: unrestricted part covers daily regular operation; restricted Special Education portion is for Special Education students only and the categorical entitlements/grants are used for supplementing the regular operation fund to assist focus groups of students.
Q:  What is the size of the East Side Union High School District's General Fund?
A:  As of 2013/14 Unaudited Actuals, East Side's General Fund is approximately $218 million dollars.  The Unrestricted portion is about $164 million dollars; the Special Education portion is about 30 million, and  Categorical/Grants is about $24 million.

Required Reserve
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Q:  How much does the State require East Side to keep in general reserve?
A:  The State general reserve requirement depends on the size of the district average daily attendance (ADA).  East Side is required to have a minimum of 3% of the district's General Fund Expenses (unrestricted and restricted combined).
Q:  How much is 3% of East Side's General Fund expenses? How much does East Side have in its general reserve?
A:  As of 13/14 Unaudited Actual, 3% of East Side's General Fund expenses is $6.5 million dollars.  East Side's Board approved that the District should maintain a minimum of 6% general reserve in November 2012.  Currently, East Side has 18.7% in general reserve for 2013/14.  The reserves help support the district in regard to budget balancing and provides an additional reserve in the event of another economic downturn.
Q:  What happens if a district does not have the required minimum reserve?
A:  The State minimum requirement for the general reserve is for 3 years, the current fiscal year, and 2 projected budget years.  If a district, has only enough reserve for one out of the three budget years, the district would have a "Qualified Budget".  If a district cannot meet the minimum reserve requirement for all 3 years, (current fiscal year and 2 projected budget years), the district would have a "Negative Budget".
For a "Qualified Budget" district, its senior administrators are required to come up with a budget plan for the County of Education and the State to show that the district will cut expenses or increase revenues to build up the general reserve to meet the requirement.
For a "Negative Budget" district, the County will send staff to help monitor the district's budget.  In a very severe case or if the district declares "bankrupt"' the State will take over and run the district.  All district senior administrators will be dismissed.  District's teacher and classified unions will not be able to ask for any additional benefits and could also suffer a reduction in salary and/or benefits based on a determination of State assigned administrator.  Additionally, the district's Governing Board would lose all power of decision making.