Water Conservation

Silicon Valley Water Conservation Award Winner
East Side’s strategic approach to water conservation measures with proven results makes our program stand out, with achievement in environmental as well as economic responsibility. In 2013, we were presented the Silicon Valley Water Conservation Award for Greenscape Management. This award recognizes organizations and individuals whose programs and leadership have advanced water conservation and recycled water use in Silicon Valley.

Landscape Irrigation Conservation Measures
For more than a decade, East Side Union High School District has been a leader in water conservation. An early adopter of reclaimed water for landscape irrigation, the District has diverted the use of potable water for irrigation by 30% annually, conserving 67 million gallons of potable water per year, by using reclaimed water for landscape irrigation at Andrew P. Hill, Evergreen Valley, Silver Creek and Yerba Buena High Schools.
Early 2014, we reduced irrigation water use by 20%. We chip tree trimmings and place the chips as mulch, thus reducing the amount of organic material entering the waste stream as well as reducing soil moisture loss through evaporation.
Synthetic Turf
Water Efficient Plumbing Fixtures
In 2012, the District replaced 61 toilets with water efficient models and retrofitted 216 urinals with low flow flush valves, conserving over 31,000 gallons of potable water annually.
Swimming Pools
California Department of Education requires aquatics instruction as part of the eight required content areas of high school physical education. East Side has eleven swimming pool sites (located at each comprehensive high school campus). If we were to refill our pools from an empty state, the volume of water for a single refill would be only 1.6% of our annual water consumption. We do not drain and refill our pools typically, only upon extenuating circumstances as required for health and safety purposes.
Compliance with Drought Regulations
- we converted all our 11 football fields to synthetic turf over the past decade;
- we converted campus irrigation water systems to reclaimed water at 4 campuses: Andrew P. Hill, Evergreen Valley, Silver Creek and Yerba Buena High Schools;
- we reduced landscape irrigation water consumption by 20% on our natural turf athletic playing fields;
- we reduced ornamental landscape irrigation water consumption by 20% at campuses that use potable water for irrigation;
- we do not use potable water to irrigate outdoor landscapes in a manner that causes runoff such that water flows onto adjacent property, non-irrigated areas, private and public walkways, roadways, parking lots, or structures;
- we do not use hoses that dispense potable water to wash motor vehicle unless the hoses are fitted with shut-off nozzles;
- we do not use potable water to wash down driveways and sidewalks;
- we do not use potable water in fountains or decorative water features unless the water is recirculated;
- we use low flow plumbing fixtures;
- we design replacement landscape installations using water-frugal plants;
- we continue to seek additional measures that we can put in place to further reduce our consumption of potable water.