The mission of the Purchasing Department is to procure goods and services through Purchase Orders (PO's) and Contract Service Agreement's (CSA's), while providing excellent customer service to administrators, teachers, vendors, and all customers, internal and external. The Purchasing Department consists of General and Capital Purchasing.
The General Purchasing Department is responsible for procuring goods and services, purchased outside of Bond funds, for the entire district. General Purchasing ensures that State and Federal Laws, Board Policies (BP’s) and Administrative Regulations (AR’s) are being followed prior to completing a purchase or contract. Following AR 3230, AR 3305, and AR 3311, General Purchasing may be required to obtain or request additional quotes, or draft and release a Request for Proposal (RFP), as needed.
The purchase, rent or lease of
equipment, material or supplies
$25,001 - $114,800
Three (3) Written Quotes
Over $114,800 |
Professional Services
(Contracts, Agreements,
Memorandum of Understanding)
N/A per PCC20111 | Over $114,800 |
* The Bid Limit is adjusted annually in January by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (PCC20111). The current year’s bid limit can be found on the California Department of Education's website.
Capital Purchasing is responsible for overseeing the purchasing activities for the East Side Union High School District Construction and Facilities Planning Department in accordance with all applicable Federal and State statutes and District Policies. Responsibilities of the Capital Purchasing Department include purchasing or contracting for all furniture, fixtures and equipment and contractual services required for the capital improvement program.
This Purchasing website is designed for you to learn about the services offered through our department. The District is currently using PlanetBids, which is a web enabled procurement and electronic bidding system. To register as a vendor and participate in new business opportunities with East Side Union High School District the following information is requested: business name, address, telephone, e-mail address, product(s) and/or services offered, contact person, and business ownership certification (i.e. minority, women, or disabled veteran owned). When registering, please be sure to select the appropriate commodity codes that apply to your organization; this will ensure that you will be invited to participate in formal competitive solicitations posted by East Side Union High School District that meet your criteria.
This website is updated regularly. I invite and encourage you to visit often for current updates and information.
General Purchasing StaffTop of Page
- Issues informal and formal bid offers, RFP’s, RFQ’s
- Manages contract and MOU negotiations, administrations and termination
- Reports contracts and MOU’s to the Board
- Manages vendor relations, resolving customer service issues (internal and external) and escalated supplier issues
- Processes Purchase Orders, Change Orders, Contracts and Credit Card Purchases for all school sites
- Maintains purchasing records
- Maintains vendor relations, including setting up vendor meetings, resolving customer service issues and supplier issues, and expediting orders
- Processes travel and conference requests
- Maintains Purchasing system (QCC); setup vendor configuration, troubleshoot user issues and document processes
- Processes Purchase Orders, Change Orders, Contracts and Credit Card Purchases for the Education Center
- Monitors Central Store items
- Maintains purchasing records
- Maintains vendor relations, resolve customer service issues and supplier issues and expediting orders
- Approves all office supply orders
- Processes travel and conference requests
- Maintains Purchasing system (QCC); setup vendor configuration, troubleshoot user issues and document processes