Strategic Plan
LCAP Key Performance Measures (KPMs)Top of Page
LCAP Key Performance Measures (KPMs)
Dear Friends of East Side Union High School District,
At the Board meeting of December 13, 2019, a presentation on the on the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and on the progress of the Strategic Plan Key Performance Measures (KPM) was made to the Board of Trustees.
The purpose of this report is to display benchmark data points for the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) and the Key Performance Measures (KPMs) outlined in the East Side Union High School District Strategic Plan and to look at progress made over the last several years towards preparing all students for college and careers.
Student achievement data is used to measure the effectiveness of the educational system in producing equitable high level outcomes for all students and to point out areas where the system is producing disproportionality in these outcomes. Student achievement data indicates that many students struggle to meet college and career readiness upon graduation from high school. Furthermore, the district data show disproportionalities between how well Asian students, Hispanic students, and African American students meet this goal as well as special student populations such as Socioeconomically Disadvantaged students, English Language Learner students, and Students With Disabilities.
In order to measure how well students graduating from the East Side Union High School District are prepared for our 21st century global economy, we have selected key data points which can be measured over time in both the LCAP and Strategic Plan.
LCAP Goals
Goal 1: College and Career Readiness
Goal 2: Graduation Rate
Goal 3: English Language Learners
Goal 4: Decrease Suspensions
Goal 5: Attendance - Chronic Absenteeism
Key Performance Indicators
Improved graduation rate
Decreased dropout rate
Improved A-G completion rate ( 15 course sequence for UC/CSU qualification)
Develop College & Career Readiness Indicators (5Cs) - Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Civic Engagement
Decrease achievement gaps as defined in measures 1-3 and other indicators, such as suspension and expulsion rates.
Equitable East Side Communities
As a district we are committed to building capacity amongst all staff members to ensure that equity and inclusion are essential principles of our school system. Specifically, we will build capacity to attain equitable ESUHSD communities where:
ALL students are welcomed as they are
Strengths and areas of growth for all students are known and supported
Adults positively respond to the social-emotional, wellness, and academic needs of every student
ALL students are provided tasks that demand production through and beyond DOK 3 so that they can communicate like a scientist, mathematician, historian, artist, literary critic, and more.
Goal 1: UC/CSU A-G
A-G rate = 50.7%
Increase of 4.2%
Above State
Below County
Higher than 4 of 5 comparable districts
2015-16 A-G Rate = 45.5%
A-G Rates
Hispanic = 31.4% (Increase of 4.1%)
African American = 21.7 (Decrease of 8.4%)
Asian = 71.3% (Increase of 3.5%)
Local Cohort A-G rate = 58.4%
Overall increase
Does not include charters - district
74% of seniors are in the local cohort
Goal 2: Graduation Rate
Grad Rate = 86.0% (Increase of 2.6%)
Above County % State
Higher than 4 of 5 comparable districts
2016-17 Grad Rate 83.4% (*adjusted = 84.3%)
2015-16 Grad Rate = 85.0%
Grad Rates
Hispanic = 78.8% (Increase of 3.6%)
African American = 83.6% (Increase of 2.1%)
Asian = 93.2% (Increase of 0.3%)
Graduation rates are higher for students who stay in ESUHSD for all 4 year
Goal 3: English Language Proficiency
48% of ELL have well developed Oral Language
13% of ELL have well developed Written Language
2/3 of ELL are Long Term ELL - attended US school more than 6 years
Goal 4: Suspension Rates
ESUHSD suspension rate of 3.9% is above the county rate of 2.5% and the state rate of 3.5%
Has a lower rate of students suspended multiple times
The district suspension rate is below all of the similar districts (Kern Union 8.8%, Antelope Valley 8.8%, Anaheim 4.8%, Sweetwater 4.4%)
ESUHSD is more likely to suspend African American, Hispanic, and special populations
There were decreases in total suspension, # of students suspended, and suspension rate
Goal 5: Chronic Absenteeism
Chronic Absentee definition = absent 10% or more of enrolled days
14% of students are chronically absent
African American and Hispanic students have higher percentages of chronically absent students
What do we see?
Increased Graduation Rates
Increased A-G Rates
Increased local cohorts A-G Rates
High local cohort Grad Rates
Improved on track A-G status each grade
Decrease in suspension rate
System outcomes differ by:
Cohort vs. Non-Cohort (4 year / 720 day enrollment)
Ethnicity, Language proficiency, Years in a US School, & Disability
What does it mean?
Non-cohort Success
System Supports
Access to Depth of Knowledge 3 Level Instruction, Content, Instructional Supports
Academic language
Culturally Responsive
Instructional Responses to Learning Needs
How do we respond?
Move beyond surfacing students needing intervention
Develop student data that informs the instructional shifts needed
Incorporate the required system, instructional & cultural responses required
District-wide commitment to engage in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support work
Chris D. Funk, ESUHSD Superintendent
* * * * * * * *
White Paper: A Driver for ChangeTop of Page