Programs Available
Designated Instruction and ServiceTop of Page
Such instruction and services will be provided by the regular class teacher, the special education teacher or specialists competent to provide such instruction and services. If not, the appropriately credentialed Designated Instruction and Service (DIS) specialist will provide such instruction and service. Some examples are: A-PE and S/L services. If your child needs a specialized service, which relates to his/her educational progress, it may be provided by the local school, County Office of Education or an outside agency.
Resource Specialist ProgramTop of Page
The Resource Specialist provides instructional services to students in order to implement the IEP. He/She also provides consultation to parents and regular staff members in areas such as assessment, curriculum and classroom management as well as monitoring pupil services with regular school programs. The majority of the student's day is spent in the regular program.
Special Day ClassesTop of Page
Students with more intensive educational needs may require Special Day Classes. Placement in Special Day Classes shall occur only when the nature of the handicap is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aides and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily. Typically 50% or more of the student's day is spent in Special Day Classes.
State Special SchoolsTop of Page
The state provides residential schools and assessment for handicapped pupils as appropriate.
Non-Public, Non-Sectarian School and ServicesTop of Page
All appropriate public school programs in the SECSE or nearby Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) shall be explored prior to considering the non-public school program alternatives.