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Disciplinary Outcomes

The graph below shows the distribution of disciplinary outcomes for the year and only counts the most severe outcome for each event. The outcome of a student behavior referral/event can include the following: No Action, Other Means of Correction, Suspension from School, In School Suspension, Expulsion, Referral to Law Enforcement, or School Related Arrest. Student behavior referrals can result in multiple outcomes for the same behavior. For example, a student might receive an Other Means of Correction and an Out of School Suspension. 
When a student behavior event includes multiple outcomes for the same behavior, the outcome is counted in the data based on the following hierarchy of severity. 1-Expulsion, 2-Arrest, 3-Suspension, 4-Referral to Law Enforcement, 5-Other Means of Correction, 6-No Action. For example a referral with outcomes of  both Out of School Suspension and Other Means of Correction is counted in the suspension category based on the hierarchy stated above. 
It is important to note that a “Referral to Law Enforcement” may include a student who was referred to law enforcement because they were a witness or had information about an incident or because staff determined the student’s action warranted the referral. To learn more about what constitutes a Referral to Law Enforcement or School-related Arrests, refer to the link above for Data Definitions. 
Things to consider when viewing student discipline data: 
  • The District’s student discipline data is a reflection of the district's practices and not a reflection on any student group.
  • Be cognizant of your own biases when viewing data.
  • Look at the demographics data first to understand the population sizes represented in the data. 
  • Be aware that small student populations can cause large fluctuations in numbers and create large percentages for a small number of students. 
  • Use your mouse to roll over graphs and percents to see more detail.
Student Behavior data is not displayed for student populations with a size less than 10. However, these behavior incidents are included in school wide or district wide data.