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Student Disciplinary Data

Student Disciplinary Data
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History: The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) investigated disciplinary practices within the East Side Union High School District and found that the district was referring and suspending Hispanic and African American students at disproportionate rates compared to peers of other races/ethnicities. The District entered into an agreement with OCR in 2017 that outlined work to be done in the District to remedy this situation. The District committed to regularly publishing student disciplinary data as part of this agreement. 
Our Obligation: A student’s race, cultural background, disability, gender, language proficiency, socioeconomic status, or immigration status will not predict success or failure. It is the system’s (our district’s) response that influences student outcomes.
  • The District's goal is to establish and sustain healthy and safe school cultures through relationship-centered practices to keep students engaged in their learning environment.
  • The District is committed to nondiscrimination in discipline, and to treating all students fairly and equitably in the administration of discipline, without regard to race, color, or national origin. 
  • To the maximum extent possible, the District strives to adopt and implement student discipline policies and procedures that:
    • keep students in the classroom, learning;
    • ensure consistent and equitable implementation of research-based alternatives to exclusion;
    • use exclusionary discipline only as a last resort, where it is necessary due to the student's presence causing an immediate danger to students or staff, or when it is the only means of stopping student misbehavior from substantially interfering with the delivery of educational instruction to others, and it is consistent with federal disability law. 
  • The District is committed to working with students who exhibit inappropriate behavior to ensure that students remain engaged in the District's educational program and are given every opportunity to reach their educational potential. 
Things to consider when viewing student discipline data: 
  • The District’s student discipline data is a reflection of the district's practices and not a reflection on any student group.
  • Be cognizant of your own biases when viewing data.
  • Look at the demographics data first so you understand the population sizes represented in the data. 
  • Small student populations can cause large fluctuations in numbers and create large percentages for a small number of students. 
  • Use your mouse to roll over graphs and percents to see more detail.