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DAC/DELAC/LCAP District Advisory Committee

District Advisory Committee/District English Learners Advisory Committee (DAC/DELAC)
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The District Advisory Committee/District English Learners Advisory Committee (DAC/DELAC) is a group of parents, staff, students and community members elected by School Site Committees, to provide on-going advice to the Superintendent and Board of Trustees as they:
  1. Coordinate community resources in a concerted effort to address the academic needs of all students.
  2. Evaluate the consolidated application programs and review information relative to the objectives of the programs to parents and the school community.
  3. Oversee all state and federal programs to ensure that the needs of the specific targeted student population are met (GATE, Special Education, ELL, Economically Disadvantaged, and at-risk students).
The DAC/DELAC provides a communication forum to share interests, experiences, knowledge and concerns with each other as well as a forum to receive current information regarding programs, new initiatives, and other current issues of importance to the education of students. It is intended that the information discussed and reports provided are then shared back at each site at the respective School Site Council meetings. One of the key activities of the DAC/DELAC is its annual Parent Empowerment Conference which is a major one-day Saturday training activity which brings together approximately 1,000 parents and other community members together at one of the local high schools.

DAC Approved by-laws 8-04
Spanish            Vietnamese

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October 23, 2024 - 6pm ESUHSD Boardroom
January 22, 2025 - 6pm ESUHSD Boardroom or via Zoom
March 19, 2025 - 6pm ESUHSD Boardroom or via Zoom