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Home Hospital Instruction

Who Home Hospital is for?
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Any student with a temporary illness or injury, which makes attendance in regular day classes or an alternative education program impossible or inadvisable, may receive Home & Hospital Instruction. Instruction in the Home & Hospital Program is provided by the East Side Union High School District for students who are eligible and will be unable to participate in regular day classes for more than 15 days consecutively.

Initial Approvals and Extensions
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Initial approvals will be made for no more than 60 days. Extensions will be made on a case-by-case basis. In order to prevent disruption to home & hospital instruction a new application should be submitted to the Department of Student Services 10 days prior to the approval end date. If a new application is not completed by the end of the approval period the student will automatically be reactivated in the traditional classes at their assigned school.

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Who is eligible for placement on HHI?
Students who are actively enrolled in any school within the District who have a verifiable medical or mental health diagnosis/prognosis which makes them unable to attend school for 16 days or more. Before HHI can be approved (or denied) consultation by a District psychologist or nurse, with the referring physician or psychiatrist may occur. HHI is authorized by the District and not the referring physician, psychologist or psychiatrist.
What is the application process for HHI?
Applications are available online, through the Registrar’s office at the school site, and in the Student Services Department at the District office located at: 830 N. Capitol Avenue It can take up to 10 school days to process an HHI application (within 5 school days a determination of eligibility for HHI shall be made and it shall take no longer than 5 additional days to assign an instructor if applicable. If an extension is required, a renewal form must be received by Student Services at least 10 school days in advance of the program end date to avoid any interruption in service.
If approved, what are the next steps in the process?
The District assigns an instructor to the student; the instructor contacts the parent directly to develop the instruction schedule. One (1) hour of HHI = one (1) day of instruction. The number of instructional hours in a given week cannot exceed five (5) hours. The number of instructional hours in a given month cannot exceed the total number of instructional days in the month. Instructional hours may be completed on Saturdays, but not Sundays or holidays. An adult must be present during the instruction and must sign the parent sign in sheet, for each visit the HH Instructor conducts. Grades are assigned by the instructor, while on HHI. Students are inactivated at their home school during the time they are receiving HHI. An Instructional Support Team, IEP or 504 meeting may be scheduled prior to the student returning to school to provide for a smooth transition back to their regular academic program. Students are expected to return to their home school, and enrollment is reactivated, on the first school day following the HHI program end date. 
Other HHI Considerations:
HHI provides limited instruction and should be used prudently. Teacher: student contact is less than 20% of the contact time a student regularly receives when attending school daily. The instructor’s subject matter expertise may be limited, depending upon their credential. 
A student with a disabling health situation may still be able to attend school with accommodations or modifications as identified in an Instructional Support Team, IEP or 504 plan.
Isolation from peers and other adults available to support a student on campus can have a mal affect on a student both academically and socially.
Courses offered through HHI may be limited or not be available (ie. physical education, work experience, laboratory science, foreign language, advanced placement and some elective courses).
It is the responsibility of the student’s home school to coordinate District-wide testing (ie. CAASP - California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress) while the student is receiving HHI.
Student’s that are on Home & Hospital may not participate in sports or extracurricular activities
No work permits shall be granted for students on HHI.
Link of full FAQ page here

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