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Student Supports

Special populations refers to ESUHSD students who must overcome personal and educational barriers that may require special consideration and attention to ensure equal opportunity for success in an educational setting. ESUHSD students are provided support that will ensure they have equal access to education resources and opportunities. (Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, 2020)

Foster Youth
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Students in foster care represent one of the most vulnerable and academically at-risk student groups enrolled in California schools. Different definitions of children and youth in foster care are used in relation to programs, services, educational entitlements, and programmatic funding supporting foster youth in schools. These definitions can vary at both the state and federal levels. 
Foster Youth are any youth under the age of 21 who has been neglected or abused by a parent or guardian. The youth enters the child welfare system and becomes a ward of the State/Court or if a family undergoes any kind of family maintenance. The youth can be a ward of the court and either live in the parents’ care, foster home or group home.
Foster youth have unique needs and specific educational rights to support these students’ success in California schools.
A summary of the California Education Codes pertaining to foster youth can be found on the California Department of Education’s website.
Download the two-page handout on Foster Youth Education Rights(PDF) for an overview of the education rights of foster.
Download the Foster Youth Education Law Fact Sheets created by the California Foster Youth Education Task Force (CFYETF) from the links below. These fact sheets are located on CFYETF's website and provide information on the needs and rights of foster youth in California schools.

Justice Engaged Youth
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​​The desired outcome is for Justice Engaged Youth to have improved school attendance, academic achievement, and increased school-based pro-social activities/peers, ultimately reducing involvement in the criminal justice system. To achieve the goal, collaboration must be had by all stakeholders in the student's life, such as guardians, Probation Officer, County Office Of Education staff, and District/School staff. 

McKinney Vento
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The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (McKinney-Vento Act) (42 United States Code § 11431-11435) is federal legislation that ensures the educational rights and protections of children and youth experiencing homelessness. It requires all local educational agencies (LEAs) to ensure that homeless students have access to the same free, appropriate public education, including public preschools, as provided to other children and youth. McKinney Vento defines students who do not have a fixed, regular, or adequate nighttime residence (shelter, motel, car, doubled up, couch surfing, etc), this includes unaccompanied minors.

California's Definition here, along with more information that provides resources for homeless children and youth and their right to enroll, attend, participate fully, and succeed in school.
For additional support please contact your school's Parent and Community involvement Specialist.
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